Friday, April 15, 2005

Raptors Rant

I am completely and utterly exasperated at this point. I won't be attending tonight's game mainly because scalpers are charging 3 times what it normally takes to see the Raptors get their asses handed to them. As all of you know, I would love to go to tonight's game to boo and boo and boo.

However, what I want to do tonight is not the point of this post. I just feel that I need to express my true feelings about our beloved Raptors. I do not blame Vince Carter. I will boo him mainly because of my own disappointment in the Raptors. Asking to be traded, not playing 100%, these are things that I expect from pro athletes, and Vince is no different. No, I never expected more out of Vince than the typical NBA player, but that doesn't lessen the sting of watching him light it up in New Jersey, but who is at fault for this? Why do we blame Carter, when the man we should really despise is Rob Babcock and Richard Peddie.

How do these men walk the streets of Toronto and sit in the ACC without having to constantly worry about flares/bricks/batteries/bags of shit being thrown at them?

How can we sit here and watch HAFFA FUCKING ARRUJO pretend that he can play basketball? When the alternative could have had been watching Andre Iguodala shutting down the wing and pairing with Chris Bosh to form one of the most formidable young defensive tandems in the L, or maybe watching JR Smith and Chris Bosh form a lethal inside/outside pairing, and maybe even watching Bosh and Al Jefferson give us the Toronto version of the Motown Wallaces. No, rather than these possibilities, I now have to face the fact that the Raptors used the #8 OVERALL pick on a guy that I would have gladly taken Robert Swift over. Read that again, Robert Swift, who with the exceptions of Korleone Young, Disenga Diop, and Leon Smith may be the worse possible high schooler to ever enter the draft.

How is it that we continue to hope that the Raptors will improve, when they will disappoint us and betray us every single time they take some unatheletic white player from Utah or Europe and parade him in front of us like he is a legit NBA baller?

The crowds at the ACC are the smallest I have ever seen, and I think I am not the only that has reached the breaking point. The Vince Carter Robbery (to call it a trade is to give Rob Babcock too much credit) wasn't the beginning of the end, it was merely the exclamation point on the nightmare that was been the Raptors management.

So fuck you Richard Peddie and Glen Grunwald/Rob Babcock for destroying the only Toronto franchise that I have cared about. Fuck you for taking the hopes and dreams that everyone had after Game 7 against the Sixers and giving us back empty words and even lesser results. I still haven't gotten over that loss in 2001, and sadly with the way the franchise is being run, that may serve as the highlight of my tenure as a Raptor fan.

At this point, I hope and wish that the Raps will prove me wrong, and right the ship, but I can't care anymore. I can't care anymore because I have been betrayed too many times. I can't care anymore because the pain will never go away, and to keep caring about such a broken Raptors franchise like this is unhealthy. Right now, I can't care about what these Raptors will do in June or where these Raptors will pick.

With that said, if the Lottery gods smile on us, and we get the number one pick, and Marvin Williams has declared, maybe things will be looking up, but hey its Rob Babcock, so let's get ready for some that fucking cracker Andrew Bogut.

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