Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Gave into the Blogging Boogie Man

Sigh, I've given into the blogging boogie man, and now my random thoughts will be here for everyone on the net to see. Of course, starting a blog is probably just a natural progression of a person who can never shut up, but in reality this blog is just a byproduct of being "wicked borred" at work (does anyone really find doing tax returns an exhilarting experience?).

Just a quick rundown of what to expect from this blog:
1. I will be talking ALOT about happenings in the sports world. I've always wanted to be a sportswriter, but my atrocious spelling and utter lack of understanding of basic grammer has really held me back, so instead I'll just post to here, so screw you Toronto Star editors. Basically this is going to an internet version of Rome is Burning, AND you don't have to listen to Jim Rome's pointless rants (just mine).

2. Movies, TV shows, Celebrity Gossip, and other random happenings in the world of pop culture will be discussed, Ad Nauseum. You can expect links to interesting sites for movies and celebrity gossip, of course I won't be breaking any celebrity news since I have no connections, live in figid Toronto (not sunny LA), and don't really have any access to anyone remotely interesting at all. Of course general discussions of anything and everything that comes on television (PVR has actually turned me into a TV junkie, not that my TV watching was low before) will be a staple of this blog.

3. Ah yes, the pointless banter. This is where all the random pointless thoughts that pop into my head will find their place to be unleashed onto an unsuspecting world. Discussion about pressing issues such as "How can I effectively plan for Mike Vick's retirement in my Madden 2005 franchise?" and "How on Earth is THAT guy dating that chick" can be totally expected.

4. Hopefully, I will be able to maintain an Oscar's Celebrity Hottie Top Ten, but we'll see about that, updates may be few and far between cause I am pretty lazy.

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